So yesterday was awesome.. Johns sweet co-workers through him a baby shower and I was a surprise guest. He had no idea about it and I kept it a secret for two weeks.. His boss contacted me and told me her plans and asked if I would be able to show up.. I requested the time off and was approved so then we kicked our plan into action. I met his boss at the 7-11 by the campus and she hopped in my car and went to our secret parking location.. John was nowhere to be seen as the party was under the premise of an important "laundry meeting" to start at 3pm.. We gathered in the faculty club where everyone had contributed and decorated beatifully. The room quickly filled up with a ton of people who apparently like John.. Who knew there were so many!!!!!!!! Just kidding!!!!!!! Everyone seemed truly delighted to see me, some I knew some I had only heard about. At 3:05 I was sure John would be stressing due to being late for the "meeting". Upon arriving he came in the door and just looked around still thinking he was at a meeting and not even noticing me sitting there.. He took his seat and realized everyone was still staring directly at HIM!!!!!!!!! The co-workers told him to scoot down to an open seat near me.. He glanced over and still didnt realize it is me his wife next to him.... By this point it is getting really funny and he is looking at the sign on the wall that said Congratulations John and Danielle and it still hadnt registered... Everyone starts pointing at me then he looks over and says "Holy crap what are you doing here?" Then it begins to sink in that this is a surprise for him.. One of his co-workers had made a slide show of John's life size cardboard Joe Paterno cutouts all over campus and showed it on the big screen during the shower. We had cake, fruit, cookies, sodas, and brownies all thanks to the amazing people John works with... They teamed together and got us some surprises.. A beautiful card that everyone signed along with a much too generous gift card for babies r us.. I got a beautiful mom's memory book for the baby. There were beautiful hand crochetted treats, and an adorable onesie that says "Im a tax exemption"
What a great afternoon.. I am grateful John has so many people in his life that love him!!!
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