Wednesday, August 19, 2009
40 weeks 5 days..
She is still moving like crazy and reminding me that she is excited to soon meet us!!!!!
Your dad and I cant wait to meet you angel!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 17, 2009 is my third day past my 40 week due date
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
40 weeks

Friday, August 7, 2009
39 weeks and counting..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
39 weeks
I am ready to meet this beautiful baby girl and snuggle with her!!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
38 weeks 2 days

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
37 weeks 2 days
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
37 weeks 1 day.

So now the baby is considered full term so she will just continue to pack on about 1/2 an ounce a day from here to delivery... Looking forward to meeting her soon.. hopefully she has all my hair.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
36 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This weekend hubby and I will CELEBRATE our second blissful year of marriage... Time has flown and I know we are stronger now than we knew possible as we have already experienced some trials.. We are spending a few days away together at the Gaylord Palms here in town.. Just a chance to get out of the house and away from our to-do lists..
I am going to be off on a few days vacation here and there between my anniversary and spending time with my Mandy who is coming from the islands for 2 weeks... Yippeee.... I am going to bask in the time with my girls before the baby comes and try to spend some time together.
The baby is continuing on her journey to pack on the pounds before her arrival at a rate of about 1/2 lb a week. Her gums are firm with ridges that will soon hold her teeth. She has definite sleep and awake patterns. They are typically about 6lbs by now and about 18 inches.
So now we wait!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
35 weeks 1 day!
By now babies are typically over 5 pounds and 18 inches long. Kidneys and liver are fully developed and most physical developement is complete. Now it is just time to put a littel meat on the bones. I am finding it very tough to breathe these days, they attribute it to the baby still being high into my ribcage and pushing on my diagphram and lungs. Still getting a pretty good nights rest however I do find myself flipping back and forth from side to side quite frequently. No midwife appt this week but next week she will be here for our home visit. So this week we really need to focus on gathering supplies and making sure we are ready!
I have been busy in the evenings with thank you notes and I am in the process of trying to get those out! Prefer to check things off my "to-do list" rather than add things to it. We have our 2 year anniversary booked for the Gaylord Palms here in Orlando so that we are not too far from home. Two Years on July 21, AMAZING!!! I am more in love today than I thought possible and Im willing to bet that just grows year after year. It helps that I have an amazing partner and someone who always puts me first! For this I am totally Grateful!!!!!!!!! Soon Abigail will know what it is like to have someone like him in her life, he has so much love to share with both of us, and I know he will be a model to what she looks for in a man!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
34 weeks 1 day
Onto exciting things.. We had our baby shower on Saturday!!!!!! It was beautiful and all I could have dreamed of! There was great food, games, friends, family and presents! I felt like a princess for the day. My husband started off my morning by bringing me a beautiful diamond star necklace for a shower day present!!!! too sweet to me. My sister from Illinois had flown in for the shower so that was so fun. The baby got some beautiful handmade with love blankets from family. My friend hosted just a gorgeous day! I think im still glowing from the whole event. I will post pictures as soon as I have a chance to upload them into an album and on here..
Now we just are waiting for our sweet arrival. The next midwife appt. we have is our 36 week home appointment and Im looking forward to that and the last minute details!
Monday, June 22, 2009
33 weeks!!!!!!!!! 7ish left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have attached at the top more photos by my friend Erin Stork.. she does awesome work and her page is
Monday, June 15, 2009
32 weeks

Friday I took a vaca day from work and played! Yes Played!!!! First thing was to change my social security card since I have been married two years and am still yet to do it! Then we stopped by my aunts office and she took a peak in at the baby for us to see how she was doing on the ultrasound machine! To my surprise she weighed in at 4lbs 2 ounces on the machine, I know they are not always accurate but it is good to know that she is not being malnutritioned!!! She has big feet like her mom, long legs like me, and chubby cheeks.... She was looking straight at us and moving her mouth. It appeared also that she had been practicing her breathing, her chest was flexing in and out! This is all music to a nervous moms ears! The rest of the day was filled with fun as well.. One of my best friends was with me and we stopped and had our favorite Mexican lunch! Then it was off to the pool at my moms house for the rest of the day! We lounged around with two of my other best friends and their daughters, along with my sisters and mom. Then we went to the sandbar for dinner on the river and relaxed for an evening there with live music and good conversation.. The end to a perfect day was then the girls all having a slumber party and watching a movie! Everyone at my moms house took turns trying to have their chance at feeling little Abigail frolicing around.. they all held touched my belly with their eyes wide open as she rolled around in her space that is becoming quite snug!!

Monday, June 8, 2009
31 weeks... 9ish left!!! single digits, WOW!!!!!

Typically babies at 31 weeks weigh about 3 and 1/2 lbs and are about 16 inches.. Amazing to think that is what is inside me.. They have all their senses now so she can hear our voices and know when we are talking to her!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009
ode to me from a best friend...
You my love, are an amazing creature. You come from a long line of amazing women who have been strong, intuitive, and centered. There may be moments where you might not actively feel these attributes, but believe me, you are all of that and more all the way down to the depths of your soul. There may be moments where our society's whacked-out perception of the EMERGENCY! birth is tries to permeate your being, but remember this: your body knows what to do, your baby knows what her job is, and best of all you have a midwife to guide your way who loves you and knows that birth is no more of an emergency than cooking dinner can be. Sure, fires occur sometimes, but when they are dealt with responsibly and quickly by a responsible person who is attending, their effects are not nearly as devastating as when a hot pan of oil is left to boil on its own.
I love you more than I can possibly express and I wish you wisdom, trust, and health in your upcoming birthmonth. Your labor and your baby girl's birth is going to be the single most empowering day of your life. You will learn just how strong your body is, how strong your mind is, and how strong your bond is with those around you. You will be cared for and watched over carefully, and when you feel like you might not be able to go on any longer, you will be encouraged because you will already be doing it, even if you don't realize it. And when you are done with it all, ready to throw in the towel, you will know that there will not be much longer until you get to meet your little girl for the first time face-to-face.
You will be holding your little girl in your arms, all slimy and wet, while your husband looks on through tears in absolute awe. Your midwife will be buzzing quietly about, taking care of the details while you are given the time and space to fall in love with your little girl and learn every little detail of her face.
You will put her to your breast and feed her with the best that nature has to offer, just like you have been doing for these past 30 weeks. Again, your husband will watch in awe as you meet the needs of this new little stranger, and will help you to learn what she needs to stay content and how she prefers those things to be done.
This is going to be such a transformative, powerful, and loving birth---and nothing less.
I love you.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
30 weeks 1 day!
The baby should be about 3 lbs now and about 14-17 inches.
we had a pretty uneventful weekend. Ripped up the carpeting in the babies room so that we can start putting down the flooring. Had our 3rd birthing class on Sunday and worked on pushing positions and Cesarean myths and truths. We each are reading some back issues of mothering so we can discuss with the class our alternative topics. John and I chose cloth diapering since we are planning this! Other topics are vaccines, circumcision, baby-wearing, and co-sleeping.
I also picked up the book from Dr. Sears this weekend called the vaccine book so I can do all my research and make an informed decision on the immunization schedule we are choosing and which vaccines we are giving.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
29 weeks

Thursday, May 21, 2009
28 weeks 4 days..
was its usual 152 which is right where it belongs, and I had gained another pound!
Had my first natural childbirth class and everyone was awesome, I was a little worried that John would be frightened if all the couples were hippies but actually the three other couples are like our exact same ages and they are just like us.... The teacher is sweet as can be and we are enjoying diving into this learning experience. We talked about nutrition, pregnancy excercises, massage techniques for the dads to use on us in labor, and debunking labor myths and our fears.
My little miss is in my belly partying away.. she was like a rockstar last night banging all around when it was bedtime.
Looking forward to my first three day weekend since New Years.. can we say about time!!!!!!!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
28 weeks

Monday, May 11, 2009
27 weeks...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
26 weels 2 days.

Monday, May 4, 2009
26 weeks
Her lungs are developing right now, her air sacks (alveoli) should be formed towards the end of this week. Her retina has finished so her eyes are now fully developed. Her audio and visual systems are starting to send messages to the brain. she is about 1 and 2/3 lbs. and about 14 inches long.
John and I have signed up for some natural childbirth classes that will begin in the next 3 weeks and we are looking forward to our next adventure..
Monday, April 27, 2009
25 weeks

Monday, April 20, 2009
24 weeks.

We have made it to 24 weeks and Im feeling like a million bucks.. I often need to pinch myself to be reminded that it is real because I do feel so great and so blessed.. This past Saturday the baby got to experience her first crawfish festival in utero! I took it easy on the crawfish as I didnt want the spices to get to her and bother her. I had already checked in advance to be sure that eating something with a nickname "mudbugs" wasnt going to be harmful to her!
Yesterday during my bath she must have loved the warm water as she was all over the place swimming and banging around... Of course when John came to feel her she got performance anxiety and stopped her party until he left.. sooooo crazy!
Our big focus right now is needing to get her nursery going and get registered.. Her big arrival will be here before we know what hit us! John won a gift certificate last week from a vendor for $150 and he could use it for anywhere and being so thoughtful he picked Babies R Us so we can get some baby goodies.. He is such an amazing man and Im so grateful to have him as my partner!
Its amazing to think we are ending the second trimester right now and about to start the 3rd trimester. WOW.... time flies when you are having fun! The baby should now be about 1.25 lbs to 1.5 lbs on average. Her lungs and tastebuds are developing
Lets see what other new surprises this week brings us!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
23 weeks 1 day

Monday, April 6, 2009
22 weeks.

Saturday, April 4, 2009
21 weeks 5 days
these lyrics from a staind song are on the ringtone he wants to get for her.
i want to hold you protect you from all of the things I've already endured I want to show you Show you all the things that this life has in store for you I'll always love you the way that a father should love his daughter.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
21 weeks 4 days
I have been eating tons of fruit and veggies this week, not by choice but out of the guilt of knowing that it is best for little miss! Got some great hand-me-downs from some of my girls this weekend and im looking forward to playing with all them, and daydreaming about when she arrives.
Is it possible to be this in love with someone that isnt even here yet?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
20 weeks and 2 days.

Monday, March 23, 2009
20 weeks.

Monday, March 16, 2009
19 weeks..
Missing my Mandy down in the Virgin Islands but talked to her via text yesterday and she said she was keeping up with the blog.. I hope she makes it back soon to love on the belly!
The baby is supposed to start growing hair this week so keep your fingers crossed that the baby has thick hair like myself and not thin balding hair like daddy! The baby is supposed to be about 7 and 1/2 inches long.. They are also recognizing sounds, so we have started talking to the baby all the time. Since it is always present im sure it will recognize my voice as much talking as I do all day long!
Will get some more pics taken this week.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
18 weeks 3 days
I got my hair cut and a shine treatment added yesterday and I'm feeling like a pretty prego, if it weren't for my sunburned lip! My lips are soooo sensitive to the sun and it never fails that they burn. I have to use SPF 1000 on them... ugh..
Baby and I are doing fabulous. Every time someone asks how I'm feeling I just glow that I'm doing fabulous. I'm so grateful to have a healthy baby in my belly and for my pregnancy to be moving so great! I will continue to pray for this little angel and I cant wait to meet this new addition!
Will post pics of the new hair do once this lip blister subsides!
Monday, March 9, 2009
18 Weeks..

I had a Kelly appt today and she seems to think everything is great.. A nice boring pee so im healthy there.. I actually have started to gain weight versus lose weight. I am up 4 pounds since my last visit so I think im doing great.. still not back to where I was before pregnancy so im still about 2 lbs lighter now than pre-pregnancy! Daddy of baby O was with me and we looked at all the transistions in mama and babies bodies on numerous charts she had to show us. Baby's heart rate is great at abotu 152 beats per minute.
Had a great weekend hanging out with my sisters and Lola (this is the name my stepmom is thinking she is going to want to be called from the baby.) It means grandmother in Filipino.. Not that we are Filipino but she wanted something different especially since baby is going to have lots of different grandparents!
I got a bad sunburn sitting at my older sisters Saturday morning lacross game but that is ok because the belly kisses and hugs i got from my sisters and their friends were totally worth it.
We are scheduling another ultrasound for around 20 weeks.. we did sneak away this morning for an ultrasound from my aunt and this little baby O is beautiful... We were able to sneak a peak at the gender but I will wait until my next ultrasound before i reveal the findings as this one was not 100% but maybe like 95%...... What we did see is that the baby has its moms big feet!