What a busy weekend. Friday we had our 2nd birthing class and it went great, we practiced different labor positions and learns the stages of labor and what to expect and what was expected of our birth partners. Saturday we scored some awesome deals for our princess at the outlet mall, Carters and The Childrens Place had some Memorial day sales and we were happy to partake! Saturday night we went to a comedy show where our neighbor Jason perf0rmed and it was great! Prego mom was burning the midnight oil and didnt get to bed till midnight, GO ME! Sunday was a lazy day around the house doing a whole lot of nothing. I did get in some reading of a book called "The Birth Partner" which is one of the easiest reads explaining what to expect in labor.
I was blessed enough to have Memorial day off so I went to the beach with some of my best friends and had a great day! Now back to another busy week at work.
I have a super sweet client that surprised me with a treat for our baby.... Molly Waddell from New York does the most amazing beautiful quilt work and sent us a quilt and pillow. I cried when I opened it.