Well we are half way there. I have started having vivid crazy dreams trying to picture the baby. In one dream the baby came out looking like a 2 year old SCARY!!!! Tomorrow is the big day, going in for my "official" ultrasound and I can hardly wait.. We will know for sure what little surprise is waiting on the inside! Then we can get down to business with the nursery.
I went to babies r us on Saturday morning and oogled over all the potential things we will want and need. I have great friends with lots of babies that are planning on sharing all their great things with us, but I really need to start researching my strollers, carseats, and big ticket items that we are going to need. John and I went back later so we could both awe over my findings earlier in the day, It is sooooo amazing to have someone as supportive as my husband. I could not have dreamt of a more amazing man to be my husband and father of my babies. It makes me think of when we first started dating and he begged me to give him my total trust.. I was so jaded that I couldnt imagine just giving away trust without it being earned. Over the last 4 years he has come to prove that my heart is safe with him, and he wouldnt dream of doing anything to hurt me, this man actually lives for me!
I felt my first flutters on Friday afternoon while working and started to cry, what an amazing reality. Then on Saturday when I laid down for a nap I felt some moving around again and actually felt something on the outside for one second, but as soon as I called John over i guess the baby got performance anxiety.
I got a cute new swimsuit over the weekend that I should be able to use throughout my pregnancy, so im ready for some beach days now!
Well there will be an update tomorrow once we finish with our ultrasound.. until then, ciao!